Letter from Michigan Teamsters Joint Council #43 (8/27)
Dear General President O'Brien: We are in a critical election season; it is more important than ever for us to continue to stand united in support of candidates who champion the rights and well-being of working people.
9/5/20242 min read
August 27, 2024 Via Email and UPS Overnight Mail
Sean O'Brien General President
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
25 Louisiana Ave, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001
Dear General President O'Brien:
We are in a critical election season; it is more important than ever for us to continue to stand united in support of candidates who champion the rights and well-being of working people. Through our strong partnership we elected Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel, Democratic Secretary of States Jocelyn Benson with Democratic majorities in the Michigan House and Senate. This is the first time in almost 40 years that the Democratic Party controlled all branches of the Michigan Government. Through this control in the first 90 days, together we repealed "Right to Work" legislation for the first time in 58 years in America. This repeal has already yielded significant membership increases and potentially thousands of new union members in the future.
Additionally, we also passed the largest infrastructure bill in state history. This will create thousands of union jobs building and repairing roadways, bridges, and other infrastructure.
In 2022 Michigan voters passed a ballot initiative (Proposition 3) which enshrined the right to reproductive freedom in the state constitution. This amendment protects rights related to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion, miscarriage management, and infertility care. Governor Gretchen Whitmer has been proactive in defending these rights. She recently filed a motion to protect reproductive freedom from a legal challenge to Proposition 3, which could potentially impact access to IVF, contraception, prenatal care, and abortion.
There is still more work to be done. Currently, there are three important pieces of legislation pending during this year's legislative session.
The Multimedia (Film) Tax Incentive — This legislation would bring the production of movies, commercial advertising, and digital media to Michigan creating union jobs. A State House vote is scheduled for September 25, 2024.
The Worker Protection Act — This legislation contains the employee free speech act,
and the warehouse worker protection act. Both are on the agenda for committee hearings.
The Patient Care Act - RN-to-Patient Ratios: Hospitals must follow evidence-based RN-to-patient ratios by unit to ensure safe, quality care for all patients. This also protects nurses from impermissible workloads. Additionally, it protects nurses from forced overtime. The Act limits the use of mandatory RN overtime to prevent care from being compromised by exhausted or sleep-deprived nurses. The IBT, together with Michigan Teamsters J.C. 43 are currently organizing nine thousand Corewell Nurses that would fall under this protection.
It is crucial that we protect and grow our majorities in the Michigan House and Senate to ensure the progress we made is not ripped away. In Michigan, "We Cannot Go Back." The local unions under Michigan Teamsters Joint Council No. 43 recognize the challenges of being a crucial battleground state and overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party.
Brother O'Brien, it is understood that the national political endorsement comes solely
through your office. With great respect, I am asking your approval to allow Michigan Teamsters Joint Council No. 43 to endorse the entire Democratic ticket in the State of Michigan.
Respectfully and fraternally,
Kevin D. Moore
Teamsters for Harris
Phil Ybarrolaza & Friends