A Letter from Josh Zivalich to Sean O'Brien (Sent 8/14)

With all due respect, as a 34 year, second generation Teamster, I am completely disappointed and appalled at your decision to court one of the most anti-union, anti-worker politicians in history, Donald Trump.


9/2/20243 min read

Dear General President O'Brien:

With all due respect, as a 34 year, second generation Teamster, I am completely disappointed and appalled at your decision to court one of the most anti-union, anti-worker politicians in history. Donald Trump. I have heard tram some fellow Teamsters, that your speech at the RNC was not intended to be an endorsement of Mr. Trump— but his supporters— both inside and outside of the Teamsters— definitely took it as such. I am assuming—even praying — that you will ultimately do the right thing and that the IBT will endorse Kamala Harris for President of the United States. However, as someone who has participated in the get-out-the-vote effort for Teamsters-endorsed candidates at nearly every Level of our Union and done so for many years, I can tell you with the utmost certainty that your repeated dalliances with Trump have made the already difficult task of our GOTV program activists damn near impossible. To be sure, there is no doubt that a certain percentage of our members are staunchly conservative or lean right— but thousands of those members will listen to the Union's message and consider our endorsement. But your "thumbs up" photo at Mar-A-Lago and praise of Trump at the RNC is all they needed to ignore our activists at the worksite gates. The damage is done.

Our members need to hear from Union leadership— loudly and clearly— regarding candidates, and the track records of the candidates supporting—or not supporting—organized labor, and workers' rights in General. The Biden-Harris Administration has stood tall with the American worker nearly every time, and you are well aware of that. The problem is not that Trump is a Republican, the problem is he is Anti-Union. Trump's Administration appointed an anti-Union Chair of the NLRB and countless other attacks on worker's rights, including recently praising Eton Musk for union-busting activities—and you are also well aware of that. Why is this endorsement even a question? It shouldn't be--and nearly every Local Union Leader in the Country knows it. Sometimes, Sean. being a leader requires you to inform your members of a truthful message that they do not went to hear That's the essence of being a Union Leader—doing what's right as opposed to what you think is popular_ Frankly, with the stark contrasts in these candidates, your actions are quite obviously an effort to curry favor with Trump supporters internally. There has never been a more obvious choice for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in a US Presidential race... and here we are, less than 90 days out, on the sidelines? Mr. Trump's numerous warnings of what he intends to do if elected— including his praising of Project 2025 (the death of workers' rights in the USA) and his encouraging people to "vote this time because you won't need to vote ever again" don't move you to get involved and take a stand? His disgusting comments and abhorrent behavior toward and about women don't move the needle? His repeated degradation of people of color— including referencing "black Jobs' doesn't offend you? Not sure what else he could do—perhaps attack our Nation's Capital? Oh yeah—that too.

As Teamsters, we should LEAD the tabor movement, not be the laughingstock of it. Our fellow union Brothers and Sisters are seeing most of us in a very different light because of your actions—and rightfully so. There is nothing good that can come of the EST endorsing Donald Trump. Vice President Harris has proved herself to us, especially in that she cast the deciding vote on the multi-employer pension relief bill, saving the pensions of hundreds of thousands of Teamsters as you well know. This is a clear choice—and it's time for us to get involved. I strongly urge you to consider the gravity of what is at stake in this Presidential election— democracy truly is on the ballot. For our members, for our Union, and indeed, our Nation, I urge you to stand up and lead our great Union and endorse Kamala Harris for President!


Josh Zivalich